Reverse Engineering to Materialize the Business Model Specification
Many systems already exist and their users want them to be upgraded, evolved, and the like. The reverse engineering approach takes implemented systems and infers the business model's specifications. The metabase is built with the specifications derived from the existing and operational software. At the same time analysts determine the business model specifications, just as if no system existed. Once both models are built, a network of connections are made between the existing systems and the desired new business model. Once connected, strategies are determined to migrate the implemented systems to new designs, added functionality, and the like.
The estimate of the effort for the first part, existing system specification derivation, is based on an application of about 200 modules (3 to 5 pages of code per module) and an estimated analysis time of 3 days per module. The steps include:
- Conduct the Repository-based Development course
- Install the metabase onto appropriate computer
- Analyze and reverse engineer the essence of each file, program, screen, menu, JCL stream, and report to arrive at the essential business policy, data structure design and processes
- Install derived system specifications into the metabase as the "as-is" system.
- Review and revise metadata reports until "as-is" metadata version of existing environment is accurate and representative in all essential respects
For a staff of 8 including 1 manager, the effort requires about 28 staff months, or about 4 elapsed months. The Whitemarsh consultant serves as one of the staff members to accomplish training, product development, and coaching.
The second effort, business model specification includes:
- Conduct Management Challenge Course
- Conduct Four Critical Factors Course
- Conduct Database Technology Course
- Conduct the Business Model Specification Course
- Consult with the client as they accomplish the Preliminary Analysis Phase
- Consult with the client as they accomplish the Conceptual Specification Phase
- Prototype development and design iteration
An average sized effort occurs over a eight month period, and requires a team size of about 8, seven staff and one manager. The total staff time is about 5.5 staff years. The Whitemarsh consultant serves as one of the staff members to accomplish training, product development, and coaching.
The third effort is to join the "as-is" inferred system specification with the newly created enterprise database model and then to plan migration to convert the "as-is" system specification to enterprise database. That effort takes about three months and involve four persons, one manager and three staff. The Whitemarsh consultant serves as one of the staff members to accomplish product development, and coaching.