Key Point Made and How Whitemarsh Addresses database topics
Bob Seiner
10 categories of Questions that Metadata can answer... The metabase can favorably respond to 8 of the 10 categories of questions... We are going to publish Bob's list and specifically how the metabase can provide answers.
Mike Brackett
Separating semantics from data and then allocating standardized semantics is key to data standardization... Whitemarsh does this in spades (we "creatively acquired" this strategy from a Mike Brackett talk in 1995)
Ron Ross
What a business rule is, how to define it, and where to allocate it... Our next metabase extension after we bring up the Internet version is to incorporation Business Rules. We have been calling business rules, Data Integrity Rules, since about 1984... We know what they are and where they are to go... Ron gave us confirmation on our approach
Ron Ross
Resources and resource life cycles are the critical lattice work onto which you build a Information Systems Plan. We worked with Ron on this during the 1993-1995 time frame
Larry English
It is critical to design-in Quality from the start. That is the very basis of the Metabase and our use of Clarion for Windows. This pair enables iterative prototyping of information system requirements until correct before first implementation.
Terry Moriarty
"Your Knowledge Worker Framework looks like an interesting evolution on the Zachman framework, that increases its usefulness... [Your] knowledge worker framework provides more substance." The Whitemarsh Metabase stores the metadata inferred by the Knowledge Worker Framework.
Steve Spewak
The metabase appears to be a proper tool for storing critical metadata in support of information systems planning
David Hay
Need to make Candidate keys...did that
The ability to separate Data elements from data models and the three data models (Specified, Implemented, and Operational) is a good idea...
Israel Vega, Jr.
Navistar United States
All of the Whitemarsh materials are very well written and informative. They helped me to prepare a good plan, ask the proper questions and to get an idea of a proper response during my analysis. Your Knowledge worker framework also helped to further define the roles played in developing an effective metadata management plan. Thank you and keep up the good work.
Dr. Alfonso F. Cardenas
Computer Science Department
University of California, Los Angeles
I read your write up Great News, The Relational Model is Dead. I enjoyed reading it! You provide a very nice & cheerful broad picture of the situation. It is very interesting that CODASYL sets and other aspects from the past are now among the "new" elements in SQL, and that SQL has grown to be so much that you need something like your SQLBOM to help.
Your SQLBOM software and database is very interesting. I am considering using it and your very nice write up in my class and provide it for students to read it.
Daniel Dudley Norway
I enjoyed reading the "Great News..." document, and a number of other documents that I downloaded from your company.
David Horsman Gibbons
British Columbia
Thanks for the information you posted to the DM news group. I also appreciate being placed on your mailing list; your company is working on some very interesting products. I thought your comments and explanation were clearly stated and very much to the point. It sounds as though you are working on solutions to some key issues in data management.
Ragib Karamehmedovic
Sarajevo, Bosnia
Dear Michael,
As more deeply I am going down into your materials my enthusiasm grows up. There are still a lot of materials in front of me but I have grasped the idea.
I have also downloaded your software that support your approach to the development of information systems and passed thru the demo data.
Everything is there. The hard work on collecting the information needed for the future development of information systems will not be lost. Information will be organized and put into the software, from the beginning idea to the data model. And they can be changed and interconnected, updated or deleted and what is important they will never be lost and constantly in front of the developer.
Producing documentation from these information is a press of key. Excellent done. Where have you been all these years? Kindest regards
Gabriel Tanase Data Modeler
As always, your site is an excellent service to the community. For me, your postings about SQL99 have been a very strong wake-up call to start acquiring object modeling skills.
Roberto Artigas, Jr.
Systems Analyst/Programmer
Memphis, TN. United States
I would like to thank you for the Whitemarsh Website. It introduced me to data modeling. As a result of the readings and the examples provided, my system analysis skills have improved. And, I am just at the beginning. The more I get into Whitemarsh's materials, the more I understand their usefulness.