
Why Whitemarsh Information Systems?

Whitemarsh Information Systems provides to the knowledge worker products and services designed to enhance the design, delivery, and long term maintenance of databases and database applications.

Whitemarsh is also focused on the critical issues that affect enterprise-wide standard data definition and standard data access.

Data is executed policy. Procedures are the methods by which defined policy is carried out.

Together, policies (data) and procedures (processes) form Database Objects by which, enterprises live, thrive, or die. Whitemarsh's products have been based on database objects since Whitemarsh's founding in 1981.

Quality database (i.e., the organization, management, and evolution of knowledge worker products through information technology) requires:

  • Database & DBMS books, courses, papers, & presentations
  • DB project methodologies, metrics, & PERT charts
  • Software Packages for ISP, data modeling, and projects
  • DBMS and Repository selection & evaluation questionnaires
  • SQL-ready database designs

Whitemarsh has subscription plans for the individual practitioner, the information systems organization, professional training organizations, and for university/college teachers and students.

Since most of the WisWeb subscribers are from industry, five client experiences may help you in see how Whitemarsh helped them. Most client work falls into a number of different scenarios. Each scenario represents a high-level solution plan.

A common strategy for employing the Whitemarsh methodology is to undertake a series of workshops. Each relates to a specific part of the Whitemarsh methodology, and thus has an agenda and schedule, and is supported by well defined inputs and outputs.

Whitemarsh's products and services are designed to support the creation of database projects that are on-time, within budget, and meet expectations. That's so because the Whitemarsh product line has been proven for over twenty five years.

For Sales and Corporate: 1-301-249-1142

Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation

 Bowie, Maryland 20716 USA

Copyright 1981 - 2020 Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation
Proprietary Data, All rights Reserved