
Generate Data Model Tree

A Specified Data Model "data" that is stored in a Subject, Entities, Attributes, and Keys can be used to generate a data model tree diagram. This diagram shows a data model tree that is based on a selected root-entity and then displays ancestor and descendant entities as tree branches. Each entity on a branch is colored coded to represent whether the entity is an ancestor, a descendant, subtyped, or recursive. The process to accomplish the generation of the SQL DDL includes:

  • Start the Specified Data Model Metabase System Module
  • Select the DBMS
  • Enter User Name and Password
  • Select the Menu Item, Subjects & Entities, then the subordinate item, Data Model Tree
  • Highlight the appropriate Subject
  • Select the entity around which the data model hierarchy is to be created.
  • Press the Display Specified Data Model Diagram
  • When the tree is displayed, the various entities can be selected which, in turn, displays
    • Entity attributes and definitions
    • Primary key, attributes and definitions
    • Foreign key, attributes and definitions

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