In the ideal world everything would be free, but alas it's not.
This information is gathered while attending meetings for the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) X3-H2 SQL database Languages committee. Attending these meetings six times a year in various parts of North America is time consuming and expensive. Hotel fees, air plane tickets, and lost billable time are all the norm when helping the industry make smart decisions about something as important as the language SQL. And then there is the bandwidth costs and time associated with maintaining all this SQL information on this website. None of this comes cheap.
After 9 years of 100% free operation disseminating this SQL information, I've decided to ask for donations as part of the ongoing running of this site. There are other options like charging readers a subscription or taking on advertising. Subscriptions might be okay, but may put off some readers (especially students) from entering the site. Also, we all have varying amounts of spare cash, so how much do you charge? Advertising, I feel, may ruin the site and any impartiality that the editor has.
So if you've enjoyed the site and it's helped you with any SQL related issues, then please consider a donation to help with the costs of keeping this site running. All funds will go directly to website related fees, and ANSI/X3-H2 meeting expenses.
Thanks for listening.
-Michael M. Gorman
NOTE: I would like to make it clear that giving money does not imply any obligation on my part to provide links or other commercial services in return. This is all about keeping the world wide web as accessible to all as possible.