
Consulting and Training Services

For 25 years Whitemarsh has been providing high quality consulting and training services to clients. You are invited to review the work performed for other Whitemarsh Clients. Every engagement is managed or performed by Michael M. Gorman. Typically an engagement involves:

1. Identifying and assessing the need within the context of the Knowledge Worker Framework. This book can be downloaded from the Free Documents section.

2. Building a resource loaded work plan.

3. Clearly identifying the deliverables and the methods to be employed to accomplish Technology Transfer.

4. Working on the effort as a team member, consultant, or trainer.

5. Long-term, post-engagement follow-through with revised versions of Whitemarsh products that were employed.

Consulting rates are based on the term of the engagement and have always been considered reasonable by clients.

For Sales and Corporate: 1-301-249-1142

Whitemarsh Information Systems Corporation

 Bowie, Maryland 20716 USA

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