The engineered solution is first and foremost founded on a highly engineered data model of database tables (about 75). Within that collection are collections of templates that can be used over and over to effect standardization, comparison, and assessments across the many projects within an enterprise. The templates are:
- Project Template Types and Project Templates
- Deliverable Template Types and Deliverable Templates
- Task Template Types and Task Templates
These three collections of templates are hierarchically organized. That is, each "type" template can have multiple levels. Each type leaf is able to be related to a template apex record, which, in turn, can be hierarchical.
The relationship between template collections is many-to-many. This enables:
- Projects to be related to one or more deliverables and vice versa
- Deliverables to be related to one or more tasks and vice versa.
Deliverables and Tasks commonly exist in groups founded on an apex deliverable or apex task and then subordinate deliverables or tasks. Deliverables or contained deliverables are specified and are determined to have unit-effort staff-hour accomplishment estimates. In contrast, tasks and contained subordinate tasks are not precisely specified nor are their work accomplishment hours estimated. That is because deliverables accomplishments are what are identified, estimated, scheduled. Tasks, in and of themselves, do not result in the accomplishment of actual project products. Rather they only result in "time-burned."
The fourth component are work environment factors. These are identified and assessed as to how their presence within a project result in deliverables being accomplished faster or slower.
The fifth component are persons assigned along with their determined skills, skill levels to specific project deliverables.
3.1 Project Context
Projects are set within the context of existing enterprise architectures developed during the use of the a Metabase database, for example:
- Resource Life Cycle Nodes within resources that are components of enterprise missions.
- Actual deliverables that are accomplished through projects and are stored in a metabase.
3.2 Project Development
Projects are developed through the application of templates and the assignment of work environment factors and person skills
A new project is instigated by creating a new project record. The project is named and described. The next step is the assignment of one or more specific project templates from within the set of project templates. These assigned projects are sequenced and their independence, that is, serial or parallel with respect to each other.
At that point, the actual project work plan process is started. The result of that process is a completely identified set of project deliverables and project tasks. Generated as well are unit effort estimates, for example, it takes a half hour to identify, name, and describe a table. The quantity of tables is then estimated. Estimated as well is the average quantity of columns, and the like.
The project development effort continues with the assignment of persons work environment factors to project deliverables. At this point, embedded processes are run to determine the over project duration, staff hour estimates, and the like.