
Synchronize Column's and Attribute's
Data Elements

Columns are related to Data Elements. Columns are also related to Attributes. Finally, Attributes are related to Data Elements. Over time, it is possible that a Column's Attribute's assignment to a Data Element can be different from the Column's Data Element assignment. This process enables the synchronization of these assignments and is accomplished by:

  • Start the Implemented Database Model Metabase System Module
  • Select the DBMS
  • Enter User Name and Password
  • Select the Menu Item, Synchronize Columns, Attributes and Data Elements.
  • Select the appropriate Subject
  • Select an appropriate Entity
  • Tag one Attribute that shows its assigned Data Element
  • Select a ReAssignment-from Schema
  • Select an appropriate ReAssignment-from Table
  • Tag one or more Columns that are to have their Data Element's reassigned to that of the Attribute's Data Element.
  • Press the button that causes the Column's Data Element to be reasisgned to the data element of the Attribute's Data Element.

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